
Everything we do at St Michael’s is made possible by your generous giving. Your contributions enable our Sunday services, events and ministries, and support our mission partners.


Monthly giving enables us to plan long-term projects to expand our ministry and make an impact for Jesus.

Click here to find out more.


If you wish to make a one-off online donation, please use the bank details below. If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider making a Gift Aid declaration to help your gift go even further.

Bank Details:
Account Name: St Michaels Church Chester Sq
Sort Code: 60-07-29
Account Number: 39858774
Reference: Your first name & surname


You can give by cash or cheque by placing your contribution in the collection box at church. To claim Gift Aid on your contribution, please use the envelopes provided.

There is also a contactless giving machine next to the collection box.


If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider giving through Gift Aid as your contribution can be worth 25% more! If you fill in a gift aid declaration, we will be able to claim the extra money on your current gift, on any giving going back four years from the date of the declaration, and on any future donations. To permit us to do this, please complete this Gift Aid Declaration.

If you pay tax above the basic rate, you can personally claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation (25%). You can do this either through your self-assessment tax return, or by asking HMRC to amend your tax code.